PRP Malaysia - best therapy for facial scaring

Platelet Rich Plasma | PRP Therapy Malaysia |自体细胞回春术 is one of the safest therapy by using own blood plasma . Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, is a substance that’s thought to promote healing when injected. Plasma is a component of your blood that contains special “factors,” or proteins, that help your blood to clot. It also contains proteins that support cell growth. Researchers have produced PRP by isolating plasma from blood and concentrating it. The idea is that injecting PRP into damaged tissues will stimulate your body to grow new, healthy cells and promote healing. Because the tissue growth factors are more concentrated in the prepared growth injections, researchers think the body’s tissues may heal faster.
PRP是利用自身血液制作的富含血小板的高浓度血浆。 PRP具有迅速止血、止痛、加速伤口愈合的作用,可极大程度减轻术后疤痕的形成,从上世纪九十年代中期开始,被广泛应用于各种外科手术、心脏手术以及整形手术,亦广泛用于医学美容方面。PRP的意思是富血小板血浆,PRP自体细胞回春术是通过专利性的提取技术,把高浓度的血小板从我们自己的血液中提纯出来,再注射回自身有皱纹的皮肤,激活皮肤的自我修复能力,让皮肤的皱纹得到改善,肌肤变得紧致有光泽,而这些仅需一次献血量1/20~1/10的血液就可以完成。PRP的效果之所以持续时间更久,效果更好,是因为PRP自体细胞回春术所注射到我们体内的物质是来自我们自身的,不会被人体快速代谢出去。所以,它能长时间活跃皮肤的修复机能,配合长期辅助性的保养,就会发觉自己一天比一天年轻,皮肤越来越水嫩。
